Tuesday, May 17, 2016

What Kind of Books Do You Like To Read?

A student ask me the other day, "What kind of books do you like to read Mrs. Taylor?"  Without thinking I said "Realistic fiction."

That brought me up short and made me think.  It's true, that's exactly the kind of books I like.

I went through a period of time when every book I picked up I put back down without reading it. After answering this students question I started reevaluating why I went through this stage of not like a single book I picked up.

I think it's because I wasn't reading the kind of books that I really like.  I was trying to read from other genres.  Which is awesome and I certainly think we need to do that from time to time but I think I was taking it to extremes.  I was also trying to read the books I thought I was suppose to read and not the books that I really wanted to read.

Once I started picking books that truly interested me I jumped right back on the reading train and haven't gotten off.

I do think it's interesting that what got me reading again was young adult books.  I love young adult books!  Isn't it fun to jump back into the mind of a teenager?  Become your teenaged self again (although I really don't want to revisit those years. Ha!).  Young love is so new.  Knowing more than adults is an age old thing.  Teenage drama! Oh the drama!

But it wasn't only young adult books.  It was also urban fantasies.  I've always said I don't like fantasies.  And I don't.  But I do like urban fantasies.  Something about the urban does it for me.  Harry Potter, Twilight, Relentless, Vampire Diaries etc are my thing.  Lord of the Rings, not so much.  I do like the movies and I'll go with my family to watch them but they are not my first choice.

I'm so glad the student asked me what I liked to read.  That simple question made me really think.

Without thinking: What kind of books do you like to read?  And leave me a book suggestion!


  1. I like adult realistic fiction that is plot-driven. I also like professional books for teachers.

    I've been listening to some young adult books on Audible as well, which I really enjoy.

  2. I read mostly YA anymore. I do a lot of listening to audiobooks, both in the car while I;m driving and in the house when I;m cooking, cleaning or otherwise busy.

  3. I also love reading YA lit. Some of my favorites this year were Bone Gap by Laura Ruby and A Monster Calls by Patrick Ness. While fantasy was never my genre as a young adult, both of these books have fantasy. Try them!

  4. Just goes to show you that if you let kids read what they want, they will read. I mean, we are just like them, just older, right?
    Nice genre. I'm very mystery and anything realistic fiction WWII related, especially if the setting is France.
    :-) Maribath Batcho

    1. I preach that to my teachers all the time! Let the students read what they want to read. Then they will actually read!

  5. I love suspense/mystery. Girl On A Train was so good and I am looking forward to the movie.

    1. I loved that book! I can't read too many psychological thrills in a row or it messes with my head. lol

  6. I love suspense/mystery. Girl On A Train was so good and I am looking forward to the movie.

  7. Goodreads keeps recommending YA, literary fiction and contemporary most of all based on my previous reading. I also love picture books and children literature.
