Tuesday, September 13, 2016


I've been crashing at about 1:00 everyday.  My body and mind are just done.
How I feel everyday at 1:00.
PS I love Snapchat filters!

This is a new feeling for me.  I don't normally crash in the middle of the day.  Normally I keep on truckin' until bed time.  Then I crash.

But not this year.  I blame in on turning 40 next month.

I blame everything on turning 40.  Ha!

This is the 4th week of school and I did a little better yesterday.  Maybe I just need to get back in the swing of things??? But that doesn't seem to be happening quickly.

Yesterday I drank a cup of coffee at 1:00.  That gave me a bit of a kick to keep going.  But I kept yawning.  And I don't really want to drink coffee in the middle of the day.  Cuz I'm already hot all the time... cuz, I'm almost 40 (see, blaming 40 again).  I don't want to drink a coke (southern for soda) either.  I only drink one coke a day.  Well, a caffeine free diet Dr. Pepper, which my brother-in-law always asks me what the point of that is. Ha!

What are some thing you eat or drink to get you through the afternoon slump?  I need ideas!


  1. I feel your pain. If my schedule allows, I take a quick walk outside.

    1. Yesterday my schedule allowed for a mini walk outside. That really did help. I'm going to try that on days that I can. Thanks!

  2. I feel your pain. If my schedule allows, I take a quick walk outside.
