Monday, September 19, 2016

Thankful Thursday-Authors

I am so thankful for authors!  They do what I can't do.  They can make words magical.  They can transport me to another world.  They are truly amazing.

My good friend, Lara and I got to go to Houston last Saturday to hear Liane Moriarty talk and have her sign our books.  An indie bookshop, Blue Willow, hosted her.

I love listening to authors talk.  They are fascinating to me.  It's so interesting to me how they create a story from one little idea.  I also like to hear them talk about their writing process.  Moriarty talked about how she just flies by the seat of her pants.  She just dives right into a story.  She doesn't plan or make an outline or anything.

She also talked about how small moments get turned into big stories.  She shared some of her funnier moments.  Moriarty talked about windscreens... did I mention she's from Australia?  I wasn't sure what a windscreen was but from context I figured it was a windshield.  As she continued with her story she said she did not think to turn on her windscreen wipers.  Then I knew she was talking about a windshield.

I wish I had had a little more time to chat with her while she was signing my book but she was moving quick because she had to catch a flight out of Houston.  Which I completely understand!

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