Thursday, December 8, 2016

Elderly Saints Party

We had a wonderful time at the Elderly Saints Party.  We had about 60 in attendance.  There were many who normally come but could not this year due to illness, surgeries, families obligations, etc.

All the recipes we cooked were mostly from deceased members of our church with a few recipes from older members.  There were pictures of past and present members hanging for people to reminisce about. It was nostalgic and "fun" to remember those who've gone before us and hear stories about the good old days.

We put appetizers on the tables for them to munch on until we started serving dinner.  The cheese ball was amazing!  I wasn't sure I was going to like olive dip but boy, did I! Dinner was baked crusted chicken with carrot souffle, broccoli cheese casserole, bread and salad.  We had about a million yummy desserts!  You can see part of the dessert table in the left hand corner.

Some of our more musically inclined folks played/sang Christmas songs for us and we had a couple of games of 42 happening.

Everyone's picture got taken in front of the Christmas tree.  Jay photobombed a few of them.  Ha!

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