Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Cranky Pants & Hugs

Day 10

As I was trying to fall asleep last night I realized I forgot to grab some Dum Dum from the store yesterday afternoon.  I decided I'd have to skip breakfast with my daughter and run to Walmart and get some before school started.  If students donate $0.25 to my book fair they get to pick a Dum Dum, if it has a black tip they get a free poster.  I went through 264 in two days!

Even though I didn't eat breakfast with my daughter I was still running behind.  I hate feeling rushed! I ran to Walmart, couldn't find the Dum Dums.  I was starting to lose my patience when they suddenly appeared on the very top shelf.  I bought a bag of 300... I wish I had bought 2 bags now.

Although I wasn't technically running late, I don't have to be at school until 7:30, I was late for me.  I like to get to school early to get settled, drink 1/2 a cup of coffee, and get my library going before I have to be at car rider duty.

So I was rushing.  I hate rushing.  

As I'm trying to hurry to my library a sub stopped me and wanted to know why I didn't have cook books and Spanish books in my Book Fair.  I was short with her.  I don't like being short with people. It wasn't her fault I was behind in my normal routine.

I turned my coffee pot on... I forgot to get my coffee ready before I left school yesterday.  That was the last straw.  I was wound tighter than a $2 watch.

When I got to duty I knew I was close to blowing up.  So I asked my co-worker for a hug.

That hug was all it took to recenter myself.  I'm lucky to work with an amazing group of teachers, paraprofessionals and administrators.  They make my day better.  They make my job fun.


  1. Whew! I'm glad you asked for that hug! You were right on the brink of something, it sounds like! How fine that you could ask.

  2. Whew! I'm glad you asked for that hug! You were right on the brink of something, it sounds like! How fine that you could ask.

  3. Agh....I also hate to be rushed! You have a routine...and if it doesn't go as planned, I know my day is going to start off awful. I love how a hug is all it took to make your day better. Sometimes we forget that it is the simple things that make life great!
